Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday Night- Tool #4

Ever since documents have been electronically handled, the issue of controlled and uncontrolled copies has been a focal point. Extending on it, the ability to share a document and have several collaborators to work on it at the same time has always been very attractive.

As a teacher, I always wanted to include a few items (translations and other documents) to the district curriculum, for other teachers to use. Google documents may be a tool to serve this purpose. As far as Google reader, it is nice to centralize all the blogs I am following on a single place. It is interesting to notice that for Google documents you only have 1 Gb of "free" storage, you have to pay for additional space.

Student use may be trickier, specially in collaborative projects. At least in 3rd grade, students are still learning how to collaborate on hands-on projects. But I am sure they can follow a teacher blog and comment on it, maybe answer simple questions. Certainly, we will have to teach them how to log-in and use the Google account.

1 comment:

  1. Alot of teachers have mentioned using Google Docs at the classroom level and team level. I like how you've taken it one step higher to the district level. I am wondering if curriculum would be better served with a wiki though? I'm still learning about the functions of both though.
